Believe The Promises Of God! Abide IN The Lord Of The Harvest

Believe The Promises Of God! Abide IN The Lord Of The Harvest: Part Three 

Believe The Promises Of God! Press into The Lord Jesus. The more you get to know Him the more you become like Him. He is The Lord Of The Harvest, abide in Him– for apart from Him you can do nothing.

Evangelist Edward Biamonte Stockl and Pastor Charles Russell Generation Church, Gastonia North Carolina 2014

To The Point, JESUS is the Anointed One who will build His church.


Here are seven, of many, directives we need to understand today. What is really important, these first seven directives were lived and modeled for us by Jesus Himself who spoke them to and breathed them into His Apostles. The same promises were given by The Lord to His body, the church at large (John’s Gospel 14 and 15). When the first church received the blessings they became our teachers and model ministry for us through the Word of God as directed by The Holy Spirit. We must step out in faith and believe in the directives of The Lord Jesus Christ; His promises never change.

The First Seven Directives are:

  1. Believe The Promises Of God
  2. Walk in Obedience
  3. Dwell In His Presence
  4. Perseverance by faith to fulfillment of the directive
  5. Receive the manifestation of His empowerment
  6. Prepare To Become A Gift to the body
  7. Go Ye Into All The Nations and Model To Them The Lord’s Love

Cry Out, Cry Out, Cry Out, to The Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, to manifest His Presence! Cry Out,  Cry Out, Cry Out, and beseech The Lord of The Harvest to send forth His harvesters to reap souls unto His Glory! Ask Him– to release His mighty power so that all the earth may know and exult the only one true living Almighty God, The Eternal Father.

Blessings to all,

Ed Biamonte Stockl

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